Financial Tip

What are you Going to do in Retirement?

What are you Going to do in Retirement?

With the likelihood of living 30 or more years in retirement, it’s no longer enough for retirees to know how much money they will need to live; they need to know how they can make the most of this new life stage.

Studies show that retirees who suddenly find themselves removed from the action or separated from “the tribe” are more likely to grow despondent. Those who find ways to stay engaged and productive are happier in all aspects of their lives. Rather than wait, why not explore new interests that can be enjoyed now and more fully developed as you cross the retirement threshold? Here are some ideas to consider.

Try Something New Every Week

Being open to new experiences can help you adapt to change. By trying something new every week, you may discover a wonderful experience you want to embrace further. This could be trying a new dinner recipe, attending a book review at your library, or watching a movie from a different genre. It may open your eyes to a skill or interest you never expected.

Learn a New Skill

We’re never too old to learn new tricks! And there is no need to keep yourself boxed into the person you’ve always been. Maybe you regret quitting piano lessons in your youth, so start again. Have you never considered yourself artistic? Try a paint-and-sip class where local artists guide you step-by-step through a painting while you enjoy wine with friends. Or just go online. YouTube is full of how-to videos that can teach you just about anything you want to learn. Then find others who are engaging in similar interests.

Share Your Knowledge

Consider yourself very fortunate; you have valuable knowledge and skills that can be matched with worthwhile endeavors. Whether working with young entrepreneurs, mentoring a high school student, training seniors in new skills, or offering back-office skills to a charitable organization, you have a rare opportunity to improve your quality of life while making a difference in your community.

Start now by carving out just three hours a week to use your knowledge and skills in a new way.

As someone who has committed your life to building a successful career, you probably would not be content simply trading in a life of work for a life of leisure in retirement. It will be your first opportunity to take control of your time and trade in your work for something you really want to do – something that will have a lasting impact on your health and well-being. It’s about having a real ambition for your retirement. What’s yours?

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