Personal Finance - Arla Wallace

Job Security and Stress

Job Security and Stress

Job security: it varies by industry and country, and it can also impact team morale and productivity. Job security, the assurance an employee places on the ability to maintain an existing job in the foreseeable future, was heavily tested for many during the COVID-19 pandemic. For some individuals, working for the same company for decades or maintaining a career in a stable field for many years, job stability continued to be realized. For others, work was disrupted, the way they worked was changed, and finances were shaken.

Strengthening Job Security

Regardless of where you are in life, there is room to build your own job security. Becoming an expert in a specific area of your business and delivering your best at what you do will show value to your employer. Helping others not only shows your willingness to collaborate, but can also build empathy and help you maintain a positive attitude. Lifelong learning entails exploring new challenges, new ideas, and new experiences. This innate curiosity about the world will help you gain knowledge both personally and professionally. Practicing soft skills as you build your network will help you exchange information with others and find solutions when you are facing tough problems.

Achieving Financial Stability

Money plays a role in motivating an employee to perform their best. Financial stability coupled with job security enables employees to perform their job with confidence. Hence, the importance of developing strong financial habits, which can prove beneficial come layoffs, economic downfalls, and other factors out of your control that impact employment. There is much to be said in life when you can take care of monthly expenses, put aside money for retirement, and handle emergencies without stress. If you can practice living on less than you make, pay down debt, and build up an emergency fund to help you achieve financial stability, you can attain peace of mind.

Coping with Stress

Constantly worrying about job security can lead to poor physical health as well as symptoms of depression. While it is natural to have feelings of anxiousness about job security, it is important to acknowledge your anxiety and focus your attention on that which is within your control. Self-awareness can help you lessen your fears and enable you to trust in your abilities so that you can get ready for change. When you are ready to embrace change, keep in mind that positives will surface and will help you pay less attention to the negative perceptions that may come your way. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask for help—we all need help from time to time. Practice self-care to help you be your best mentally and physically, and remind yourself that times of challenge are all but temporary.

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