'Life' Insurance - When You Don't Die

Disability insurance covers your expenses while you are alive; if you become incapacitated, disability insurance could help save your financial life.

'Life' Insurance - When You Don't Die

Until you retire, your most valuable asset is the amount of money you earn. (If you make $40,000 per year and have twenty-five years left until you retire, you will earn $1,000,000.) If you become disabled and are unable to work, long-term disability can help provide income for you and your family.

Policies are typically quoted based on the amount you will receive each month in benefits. For example, a $2,000 policy provides $2,000 in income after taxes. (Benefits from disability policies are tax-free.) Policies also pay for a defined term; the longer the term, the more expensive the coverage.

Disability insurance covers your expenses while you're alive; if you become incapacitated, disability